Gregory Edgeworth / Shin Mitsurugi / Henri Hunter御剣信

Age: ??
Gender: Male
Height: ??
Occupation: Defense Attorney

Guest protagonist of GK2 case 3.

Personality: ??

Misc Facts: ??

Friends and Family: Father of Miles Edgeworth.

Name Origin: 
: Gregory may be taken from the actor Gregory Peck, who played the famous lawyer character Atticus Finch in "To Kill a Mockingbird".

Japanese: Shin means "belief." A simple, appropriate name.

Background: See his old profile.

Issei Tenkai

Age: ??
Gender: Male
Height: ??
Occupation: TV show host

Host of a TV show combining dancing and baking.

Personality: ??

Misc Facts: ??

Friends and Family: Tsukasa is his assistant/partner.

Name Origin:
: ??

Japanese: Comes from "tenka ichi," meaning Number One.

Background: ??



Tateyuki Shigaraki

Age: ??
Gender: Female
Height: ??
Occupation: Tenkai's assistant

Appears in GK2 case 3

Personality: ??

Misc Facts: ??

Friends and Family: Tenkai's assistant.

Name Origin:
: ??

Japanese: ??

Background: ??