Souta Sarushiro

Age: ??
Gender: Male
Height: ??
Occupation: Salary Man

Suspect of GK2 case 2

Personality: Timid and excitable.

Misc Facts:

Friends and Family: Close friend of Manosuke Naito.

Name Origin:
: ??

Japanese: ??

Background: ??

Shuuji Orinaka

Age: ??
Gender: Male
Height: ??
Occupation: Ex-boxer

Appears in GK2 case 2.

Personality: Focused, intense, stubborn.  Devoted to his training.

Misc Facts: His bear's name is Mark.

Friends and Family: ??

Name Origin:
: ??

Japanese: Comes from "prisoner in a cage."

Background: ??



Marie Miwa

Age: ??
Gender: Female
Height: ??
Occupation: Prison Warden

Appears in GK2 case 2

Personality: ??

Misc Facts: An animal lover who has apparently begun some kind of animal therapy program at the prison.

Friends and Family: ??

Name Origin:
: ??

Japanese: Comes from mimawari, "to patrol."

Background: ??


Regina Berryミリカ(立見里香)

Age: 17 or 18?
Gender: Female
Height: ??
Occupation: Animal Trainer

Appears in GK2 case 2

Personality: Looks to be the same bubbly animal lover from JFA.  Not sure yet how or if she's changed.

Misc Facts: ??

Friends and Family: Daughter of the deceased Russell Berry.

Name Origin:
English: The origin of the name Regina is "princess" or "queen."

Japanese: Her stage name, Mirika, comes from TachiMI RIKA.

Background: See her old profile.



Frank Sahwit / Hoshio Yamano / Frank Khavu山野星雄

Age: 38
Gender: Male
Height: ??
Occupation: Inmate

Appears in GK2 case 2

Personality: Slimy. He can suck up a great deal, but in the end is a common thief and coward.

Misc Facts: That's not his real hair.

The mole on his forehead was added as a mark of guilt.

Friends and Family: Uknown.

Name Origin: 
: "Sahwit" comes from, "Saw it," as he is an eyewitness claiming to have seen the crime being committed. 

Japanese: Yama no Hoshi literally means "star of the mountain," but I'm unsure of the reference. But in case one he does quote the saying, "If there's a mountain, someone will climb it" in reference to him being compelled to peek at Cindy's crime scene.

French: Comes from Frank qu'a vu meaning "Frank saw it."

Background: Nothing especially.